Rust can get very annoying and very problematic very quickly. Even skilled mechanics and technicians can be challenged by vehicles with rusted-out bodies and parts.
One of the most common issues people run into when attempting to make auto repairs at home is figuring out how they can remove rusted exhaust bolts without doing any damage to surrounding parts or to the body of the vehicle. Here are a few tips and techniques from an auto repair shop in Madison, TN to help you through this process.
Using sufficient force
This is most likely going to be the first tactic you attempt in removing the bolt. If you notice it’s rusted and you’re not able to unscrew it as easily as you would a bolt that’s in good condition, it might just take a little more muscle to get it off.
You could attempt hitting the head of the bolt in an effort to free it, or use tools like chisels or wrenches to try to loosen the bolt by hitting parts back and forth slowly. The method you use will really depend on how stubborn of a bolt you’re dealing with. Just make sure that you know your limits—you shouldn’t get to a point where you’re applying so much force that you’re in danger of doing damage to the parts around it.
Drill out gun
There are some types of specialty equipment available in auto shops and hardware stores that can help you remove rusted bolts. One such piece of equipment is a drill out gun. Before you use the tool, you’ll want to make sure the surface is as clean as possible. You can then take the gun to the bolt—this type of tool specializes in removing rusted out pieces quickly and easily. However, there’s always a chance when using this tool that you’ll crack the bolt inside its installation. It’s worthwhile watching a couple tutorials before using this tool so you can be sure you’re doing it safely.
Another method of removing rusted bolts is to heat them up and then rapidly cool them, which makes the bolt expand and contract almost simultaneously. This can help to loosen the bolt from where it’s rusted in, which will make it easier to use with the tools you have available, and can also help to break free some of the rust and corrosion from the threads on the bolt. Just make sure you’re following all safety precautions anytime you use heat.
Putting cuts on the bolt and nuts will also be a surefire way of removing immovable bolts. Splitting the bolt into pieces removes some of the tension that’s built up due to it being rusted in place, which should allow you to rotate and remove it with ease.
For more tips about how you can remove rusted bolts when working on your vehicle, contact Madison Muffler & Auto Repair or pay a visit to our auto repair shop in Madison, TN today. We look forward to assisting you!