Unless you own the right equipment and have automobile knowledge, you probably don’t rotate your car’s tires at home. Good thing you can take it to your mechanic for a professional rotation to ensure even wear, without balding or damage, and a long life. If you own a vehicle, but are still not sold on why or when rotating your tires is important, then read on—here are five reasons your auto mechanic in Madison, TN recommends regular tire rotations:
- It’s a part of basic maintenance: It is not unusual for first time drivers to not understand all aspects of needed car maintenance until they run into problems with their first vehicle. Tire rotations are a good example. When tires wear down, they are quick to bald, rip apart or even explode while in motion. Make tire inspections and rotations a part of your regular maintenance routine to avoid costly tire replacement.
- The vehicle has been in an accident: After an automobile accident, your tires may look fine at a glance, but that’s likely far from accurate. If the wheel alignment or frame has been thrown off or the wheels are bent, there’s a chance your tires are also damaged in some way. Get your car to the mechanic as soon as possible so they can check things out properly.
- The vehicle is a daily driver: Whether there’s only one car in your household or you use your vehicle as a daily driver, one thing is for sure—it’s a good guess that that poor car is moving more than it’s parked. And unfortunately a shared vehicle means way more wear and tear, especially if you have a teenage driver driving and braking hard. Plan on scheduling several tire rotations a year with an auto mechanic in Madison, TN.
- Your vehicle is a front-wheel drive: Whether your car is a two-wheel drive or a front-wheel drive that can go into all-wheel drive, either situation calls for regular tire rotations. When only two of the four tires are doing all the work of propelling your vehicle down the road, they end up carrying a majority of the weight, which is quick to weaken tires. Check the tread of the tires to make sure it’s not too worn or missing, and rotate tires on two-wheel drives front to back and all around to ensure even wear.
- Need to stay in sync with oil changes: Although recommended times for tire rotations can vary between automakers, having it done every 3,000 to 6,000 miles is about average. Conveniently enough, that’s the same timeframe for most oil changes, and most full-service auto shops include a tire rotation with every scheduled oil change. But if you replace your vehicle’s oil yourself, then you must remember to make an appointment with a mechanic to have your tires rotated.
If you have questions about your tires or want to schedule a tire rotation with an auto mechanic in Madison, TN, don’t hesitate to contact the trained professionals at Madison Muffler & Auto Repair.