Muffler and exhaust issues are easy to spot, right? All you have to do is keep an ear poised to listen for nasty growling noises and the occasional backfire!
While it’s true that some exhaust issues are fairly easy to discern, it behooves any driver to consider that there are a range of other exhaust issues that might not be so easy to identify outright: exhaust leaks being among them. Exhaust leaks can cause a myriad of problems if left unchecked, but spotting them can be difficult, since many of their symptoms mimic other automotive woes.
So how exactly do you know if you have an exhaust leak? What needs to be done in the way of exhaust repair in Madison, TN if you suspect an exhaust leak? Take a look at some of the more telling signs that your vehicle has an exhaust leak and what you can do to confirm and remedy it:
- Not getting as much out of a full tank as you once did? You might not suspect an exhaust leak if your MPG rating falls a few miles, but it could in fact be the issue at hand. Blow-by engine gasses are jettisoned away from your engine via your exhaust manifold, but if this connection isn’t working your oxygen sensor might not be working right… which is going to mean wrong readings and improper engine adjustments.
- When you’re putting the pedal to the metal, is it vibrating furiously under you? If so, you could have an exhaust leak on your hands. Many people confuse this with a suspension issue or worse, a transmission issue, because vibrations are generally seen associated with these woes. The reason your gas pedal will shake and shudder when there’s an exhaust leak is because leaking gasses escape your engine environment at a tremendous rate, leading to exhaust vibrations that can be felt through your floorboards and, at their peak, in your gas pedal.
- Is your “check engine light” popping on and off seemingly at random? Does your vehicle’s function seem perfectly fine, even when the light is on? More often than not, your light will be alerting you to an engine issue that has to do with the oxygen sensor, which usually means a leak. Have a mechanic run a diagnostic to determine the source of the recurring alert and if it’s the oxygen sensor, have them check for an exhaust leak.
An exhaust leak is nothing to toy around with when it’s discovered and staying vigilant to the above problems will make sure you’re in a better position to tackle a leak if and when one arises. Not seeking exhaust repair in Madison, TN could lead to anything from decreased fuel economy to poisonous gasses invading your vehicle’s cabin!
Keep in mind that while some exhaust issues are easy to determine with just a keen ear, others can exacerbate themselves under the surface of what you can hear. Stay up to date on your auto’s maintenance and be sure to have routine checks done on critical systems to make sure your vehicle is performing up to par, safely.