Drivers often wonder why oil changes are such a necessity when it comes to maintaining their vehicles—it seems like all you do is pull into the garage, pop the hood, wait for a few minutes and then drive away! The truth is that an oil change may look simple (and it is), but its benefits are lasting and can significantly impact the quality of your engine and its functionality.
Oil is the lifeblood of any engine. As a mechanical system, your engine functions through a series of moving parts (namely its pistons) and while in motion, these facets of an engine need lubrication to prevent grinding. Over time, the oil that’s lubricating your engine can glob up, become contaminated or simply dry out altogether, making oil changes in Madison extremely important to maintaining a fluid engine.
Secondary benefits
Oil doesn’t just serve to lubricate your engine, however. Modern synthetic oils have a number of properties that make them wholly beneficial to the function of an engine in a variety of different ways. For example, you may not know that synthetic oils are infused with a type of detergent that keeps dirt and dust particles suspended, so that these contaminants can be moved into the oil filter!
Far and above this, synthetic oils also contain friction-reducing chemicals that “melt” out of the oil if metal parts ever touch together for any reason. And, during oil changes in Madison, when the oil is being replaced, the new oil will also feature anti-corrosion elements that prevent any damage to the metal components of your engine—without this, rust could quickly compromise any engine, leaving it unusable.
When oil goes bad
With all of these amazing additives present in oil, it’s amazing that it doesn’t last forever in your engine! While some formulas can withstand the engine environment longer than others, eventually all oils will lose their viscosity, which is what we see when we picture black, tar-like oil being drained into a pan. Your engine’s oil should never reach a gummy, blackened state—if it has, it’s a sign that you’re far past your date for an oil change!
Why does oil gum up? Well, over time, the friction-resistant elements in your oil will begin to wear out, along with all of the other components that make oil such a crucial necessity. Modern day oil changes are scheduled around the lifespan of oils, so that your oil is replaced well before you encounter any strain on your engine.
Not only will your mechanic be able to tell if you’ve kept up on regular oil maintenance when they inspect your vehicle, your vehicle will also show you, the driver, if it’s been neglected. You’ll experience engine troubles frequently if the oil is bad and these problems could cause lasting damage that takes miles off of your auto.
Not changing the oil in your vehicle is simply the worst thing that you can do for it, hands down. This simple and inexpensive maintenance duty should be a regular part of every vehicle owner’s considerations—if you can’t remember the last time you had your oil changed, it’s time to get back on track!